Content for Black Pill

Black Pill

The STM32F103C8T6 (HCDVBD0033 / Black pill) Development Board is a low cost but feature rich alternative to an Arduino. The board features an ST Microelectronics STM32F103C8 Arm microprocessor running at a 72MHz clock speed. Coupled with 64K of Flash and 20K of SRAM this development board provides a powerful alternative to an Arduino. This development board is also not short on peripherals with 30 I/O pins, 14 of which can be configured as 12 bit ADC inputs, 12 as PWM with most pins being 5V tolerant. Supplied with the module are a set of 0.1" pitch headers (require soldering) which provide the option of breadboard mounting it with easy connection of standard Dupont cables.

pillScope Plus

“Oscilloscope based around the STM32F401 Black Pill and a color LCD screen, meant to be used as an educational tool Why does it exist? The goal of this project was to create a simple and easy to build but still …

A Drum Machine for Bassists (and Others) to Practice With

“When I’m practicing bass I don’t like fiddling around with phone apps or something on my PC when I want to set up a rhythmic accompaniment. So I made this - a programmable rhythm box based on the VS1053 …


“PendulumSynth is an on-going and open-source project with the goal of mixing real-world physics into music composition and performance. PendulumSynth is an on-going and open-source project, running on Arduino platform with the goal of mixing real-world physics into music composition …

STM32 Soldering and Rework Station with TFT Display

“Soldering station supported Hakko T12 tips and rework Hot Air Gun 858D using color TFT ili9341 display. This is a third release of combined soldering iron controller for Hakko T12 tips and 858D rework station based on STM32 micro controller …

Create a Webserver Using ESP01 and STM32F401CCUx

“ESP-01 WiFi module is developed by encapsulates Tensilica L106 integrates industry Clock speed support 80 MHz, 160 MHz, supports the RTOS, integrated Wi The module supports standard IEEE802.11 add modules to an existing device networking, or building a …

High Resolution PWM Signal Generation for RC Servos With STM32 Devices

“Currently, I’m building an RC transmitter/receiver based on the SX1280 RF chip. One of the goal for the project is that I want 12 bit servo resolution from the sticks all away down to the servos. Partly because …

$3 Alternative to Makey Makey

“The Makey Makey is a great little device that emulates a USB keyboard and lets you make keys out of any somewhat conductive thing (aluminum foil, bananas, play dough, etc.), which can then be used as a controller for games …