
“A small voltmeter that sits on a breadboard’s power rails I wanted to try out the ATtiny85 and get some practice hand-soldering QFN components, so I built a basic voltmeter that sits on the power rails of a breadboard …

“Fast and simple project that imitates candle light powered with attiny85 and CR2023 This project utilizes attiny85 as a candle. PCB is built from two single-sided copper boards. It flickers for about 15 minutes, and after that, it goes off …

“The thing you need when your TV remote power button fails. A while back the power button on my remote started to fail. It’s become harder to get it to send the IR code to turn on the TV …

“A few months ago I purchased a Rotatone module for one of my vintage telephones. It’s a great product, but in the event that you find something you don’t like about its functionality, there’s not a lot …

“How little do you need for a game An exercise in futility. That is what many would call this endeavor. How few elements (signifiers and affordances) do you need to not only recognize a game for what it is, but …

“In this Instructable, I am going to try and explain, step by step, how I designed this Ultra Low-Power LED Flasher with the following specification: LED flash rate 1 flash per second LED on-time of 5ms At least 2 years …

“As is tradition, finished product image first. Inspired from masteruan’s similar build, which I will link below, I set off to build my own micro sized Electro-Magnetic Field Detector. The goals were to make this as small as possible …