“Some time ago, I hatched a plan to introduce my kids to a handful of classic computer games. This wasn’t a matter of misplaced nostalgia: I’m not overly sentimental and I’d rather play Horizon Zero Dawn than …
“This is a dust collector monitor. Both the dust bin level and the filter are monitored. My earlier dust collector project only monitored the bin level. The video demonstrates the dust collector monitor detecting the filter needing cleaning. The threshold …
“This project is all about getting your compiled sketch onto your target board without the need to have a connection to a computer running the Arduino IDE. The video demonstrates the operation of the loader. The first board being loaded …
“This hiking data logger is used to record a hike’s location, start and end time, temperature, altitude and barometric pressures. It will also audibly report altitude milestones during the hike. Even if you have no interest in hiking you …
“How to use the latest arduino IDE for old and latest atmegas DIP 40. and make a clone of arduino board. This project is the upgrade of the arduino atmega644/1284 clone project. I have got some old atmegas but …
“This project is the RGB LED display (16x10) based on WS2812B LEDs. Its core is the ATmega644pa controller running on 16 MHz frequency. The board has several buttons (up, down, left, right, forward, back, reset) and the ADXL345 accelerometer. It …
“An Arduino/Sanguino micro-computer by DemeterArt.”