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3D Printed Etching Press

Get a taste of traditional printmaking with the world’s first 3D-printed etching press! With the help of 3D printing, these unique art techniques are finally accessible to a lot more people, and in places where printmaking wasn’t possible before.

Printmaking has been around for 500 years, used for illustrating books, printing banknotes, and duplicating famous paintings. Today, printmaking is known for its distinct look and is used by artists around the world, but lots of people don’t have access to printmaking due to the high costs of a press. Etching presses for intaglio printing are especially hard to find due to the high amount of pressure that’s needed.

So I designed a working press that can be produced with a 3D printer: the Open Press Project . The 3D files are free to use, and the project has already grown into a small community of excited makers and printmakers all over the world!”

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