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A new artificial intelligence based system warns when a gun appears in a video

Scientists from the University of Granada (UGR) designed a computer system, based on new artificial intelligence techniques, that automatically detects in real time when a subject in a video draws a gun. Their work, pioneering on a global scale, has numerous practical applications, from improving security in airports and malls, for example, to automatically controlling violent content in which handguns appear in videos uploaded on social networks such as Facebook, Youtube or Twitter, or classifying public videos on the internet that have handguns. Francisco Herrera Triguero, Roberto Olmos and Siham Tabik, researchers in the Department of Computational and Artificial Intelligence Sciences at the UGR, developed this work. Its relevance was reflected when the MIT Technology Review, an e-journal of the renowned technology-oriented university, selected it as one of the five most stimulating articles of the week worldwide.”

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