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Mbed OS 5.7.2 released

We are pleased to announce the Mbed OS 5.7.2 release is now available. This is the latest patch release based on the feature set introduced by Mbed OS 5.7.

We have added a new example program, mbed-os-example-filesystem which covers both FAT and LittleFS filesystems.

The GR-PEACH target was previously removed from the supported targets due to incompatibility with cmsis 5 fixes. These have been fixed and the target has now been reinstated.

We have added IAR export support for EV_COG_AD3029LZ, EV_COG_AD4050LZ and bootloader support for MK24F1.

There are also a number of other bug fixes to the firmware and tests.

For full details of this and previous releases, please visit our releases page.”

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