“This instructional manual on the art of carpentry and joinery was originally published in 1905. It outlines the skills and basic knowledge necessary to become competent at woodwork, and includes chapters on ‘Timber’, ‘Plane Geometry’, ‘Tools’, ‘Wooden Roofs’, and much more. This is an excellent informative work, complete with many diagrams to aid understanding. Here is a short extract from the author’s preface that explains his aims: ‘The simplest types of construction have been dealt with most fully, and the principles they embody have been emphasised continually. Without going into great detail, these rules have then been applied to more complicated examples; for a long experience has convinced the author that a student who has grasped the fundamental facts of a subject requires a minimum of guidance in more advanced work.’ A specially commissioned new introduction on the history and uses of woodwork has been added to the republication of this work.”