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Fidget Star

Open, close, repeat. One way it’s a box and the other way it’s a star. Then a box. Then a star. Repeat the repeat. This hinged print-in-place model is a remix of the Fidget Cube. It 3D prints fully assembled, in one piece, folded up! A snub version is also included for those who like the old school fidget. For the design geeks: Thanks to Greg Knapp, who used Blender to fold up the original Fidget Cube model and print it as a closed cube. His YouTube video inspired me to do the same thing in OpenSCAD code so that the Fidget Cube could be printed as a closed cube. The remix gave me the opportunity to make the snub side of the fidget a more interesting star shape. For the math geeks: The “star” is a stellated rhombic dodecahedron, and this model makes up half of a Yoshimoto cube.”

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