Content for V-USB

Interrupt free V-USB

“Starting with V2.0, Micronucleus is going to use an interrupt free modification of the software USB implementation V-USB. This provides significant benefits for the bootloader, as it is not necessary anymore to patch the interrupt vector of the …

ATtiny V-USB Project Board

“The Paperduino Tiny is a great little project. However I wanted to create something a little more robust, with a small prototyping project area, using a custom PCB of 60mm x 40mm in size.”

V-USB ATtiny85 Project Board and an 8x8 Red LED Matrix Display

“This short project will use an 8x8 Red Led Matrix display with the V-USB ATtiny85 Project Board created in my first Instructable. The object of this exercise being to have an ATtiny85 control an 8x8 Led Matrix Display, and …

atmega16u2 virtual serial example using LUFA Library

“Sending data from a microcontroller is a pretty common requirement in a lot of the projects I work on. One way of doing it is sending serial data out from the uC to a serial to usb converter chip to …