Content for UManchester.Edu

Radio astronomers discover 8 new millisecond pulsars

“A group of astronomers has discovered 8 millisecond pulsars located within the dense clusters of stars, known as “globular clusters”, using South Africa’s MeerKAT radio telescope. Millisecond pulsars are neutron stars, the most compact star known, that spin up …

Graphene ‘smart surfaces’ now tunable for visible spectrum

“Researchers at The University of Manchester’s National Graphene Institute have created optical devices with a unique range of tunability, covering the entire electromagnetic spectrum, including visible light. A paper published in Nature Photonics outlines applications for this ‘smart surface …

Research helps solar technology become more affordable

“Scientists at The University of Manchester have found a way to accelerate the uptake of solar technology, by increasing the environmental safety of perovskite solar cells. Perovskite solar cells have attracted interest because, unlike silicon solar cells, they can be …

Ultrafast gas-flows through tiniest holes in 2D membranes

“Researchers from National Graphene Institute at The University of Manchester and University of Pennsylvania have identified ultrafast gas-flows through the tiniest holes in one-atom-thin membranes, in a study published in Science Advances. The work - alongside another study from University of …

Manchester group discovers new family of quasiparticles in graphene-based materials

“A group of researchers led by Sir Andre Geim and Dr Alexey Berdyugin at The University of Manchester have discovered and characterised a new family of quasiparticles named ‘Brown-Zak fermions’ in graphene-based superlattices. The team achieved this breakthrough by aligning …

Using sunlight to transform chemical manufacturing into ‘zero-waste’ industries

“Chemical engineers have successfully manipulated carbon nitride to use sunlight to synthesize fluorine-based molecules, which are key building blocks of pharmaceutical products in a breakthrough on the path to the ‘holy grail’ of zero waste industry manufacturing. Researchers from The …

Cameras that can learn

“Intelligent cameras could be one step closer thanks to a research collaboration between the Universities of Manchester and Bristol who have developed cameras that can learn and understand what they are seeing. Roboticists and artificial intelligence (AI) researchers know there …

Manchester-led research offers advance in superconductors with a ‘twist’

“An international research team led by The University of Manchester has revealed a nanomaterial that mirrors the “magic angle” effect originally found in a complex man-made structure known as twisted bilayer graphene – a key area of study in physics in …

Scientists create compact particle accelerators which drive 1000 times more charge to near the speed of light

“Scientists have successfully developed a pocket-sized particle accelerator capable of projecting ultra-short electron beams with laser light at more than 99.99% of the speed of light. To achieve this result, the researchers have had to slow down light to …

Graphene smart textiles developed for heat adaptive clothing

“ew research on the two-dimensional (2D) material graphene has allowed researchers to create smart adaptive clothing which can lower the body temperature of the wearer in hot climates. A team of scientists from The University of Manchester’s National Graphene …