Content for UIC.Edu

Seeing How Next-Generation Batteries Power-Up

“Scientists directly see how the atoms in a magnesium-based battery fit into the structure of electrodes. The Science Next-generation batteries based on magnesium rather than lithium ions hold promise to be more efficient, safer, and cheaper. One electrode is metallic …

Graphene oxide nanosheets could help bring lithium-metal batteries to market

“Lithium-metal batteries — which can hold up to 10 times more charge than the lithium-ion batteries that currently power our phones, laptops and cars — haven’t been commercialized because of a fatal flaw: as these batteries charge and discharge, lithium is …

Mapping nanoscale chemical reactions inside batteries in 3-D

“Researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have developed a new technique that lets them pinpoint the location of chemical reactions happening inside lithium-ion batteries in three dimensions at the nanoscale level. Their results …

New chemical method could revolutionize graphene

“University of Illinois at Chicago scientists have discovered a new chemical method that enables graphene to be incorporated into a wide range of applications while maintaining its ultra-fast electronics. Graphene, a lightweight, thin, flexible material, can be used to enhance …