Content for UCR.Edu

Upcycling plastic waste toward sustainable energy storage

“What if you could solve two of Earth’s biggest problems in one stroke? UC Riverside engineers have developed a way to recycle plastic waste, such as soda or water bottles, into a nanomaterial useful for energy storage. Mihri and …

Gamma-ray laser moves a step closer to reality

“A physicist at the University of California, Riverside, has performed calculations showing hollow spherical bubbles filled with a gas of positronium atoms are stable in liquid helium. The calculations take scientists a step closer to realizing a gamma-ray laser, which …

This deep neural network fights deepfakes

“Seeing was believing until technology reared its mighty head and gave us powerful and inexpensive photo-editing tools. Now, realistic videos that map the facial expressions of one person onto those of another, known as deepfakes, present a formidable political weapon …

New material shows high potential for quantum computing

“A joint team of scientists at the University of California, Riverside, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is getting closer to confirming the existence of an exotic quantum particle called Majorana fermion, crucial for fault-tolerant quantum computing — the kind of …

Machines whisper our secrets

“Lab instruments are important tools throughout research and health care. But what if those instruments are leaking valuable information? When it comes to biosecurity, this could be a very real threat, according to a group of researchers at the University …

Scientists image conducting edges in a promising 2-D material

“Experimental study done at UC Riverside and University of Washington on monolayer tungsten ditelluride could lead to more energy-efficient electronic devices A research team comprised of scientists at the University of California, Riverside, and the University of Washington has for …

UC Riverside physicists create exotic electron liquid

“The first production of an electron liquid at room temperature opens the way for new optoelectronic devices and basic physics studies y bombarding an ultrathin semiconductor sandwich with powerful laser pulses, physicists at the University of California, Riverside, have created …

Physicists name and codify new field in nanotechnology: ‘electron quantum metamaterials’

“When two atomically thin two-dimensional layers are stacked on top of each other and one layer is made to rotate against the second layer, they begin to produce patterns — the familiar moiré patterns — that neither layer can generate on its …

Electrons Take One Step Forward Without Two Steps Back

“Scientists use molecular dipoles to accelerate electron transfer in one direction and completely suppress it in the other. This “holy grail” of energy science could hasten the design of new and superb energy and electronic materials. Researchers at the University …

One-Dimensional Material Packs a Powerful Punch for Next Generation Electronics

“The new technology has applications in nanometer-scale transistors and circuits Engineers at the University of California, Riverside, have demonstrated prototype devices made of an exotic material that can conduct a current density 50 times greater than conventional copper interconnect technology …