Content for TGS4161


TGS4161 is a new solid electrolyte CO2 sensor which offers miniaturization and low power consumption. A range of 350~10,000ppm of carbon dioxide can be detected by TGS4161, making it ideal for indoor air control applications. The CO2 sensitive element consists of a solid electrolyte formed between two electrodes, together with a printed heater (RuO2) substrate. By monitoring the change in electromotive force (EMF) generated between the two electrodes, it is possible to measure CO2 gas concentration. The top of the sensor cap contains adsorbent (zeolite) for the purpose of reducing the influence of interference gases. TGS4161 exhibits a linear relationship between ∆EMF and CO2 gas concentration on a logarithmic scale. The sensor displays good long term stability and shows excellent durability against the effects of high humidity.