Content for STM8S003F3


The STM8S003F3/K3 value line 8-bit microcontrollers offer 8 Kbytes of Flash program memory, plus integrated true data EEPROM. They are referred to as low-density devices in the STM8S microcontroller family reference manual (RM0016).

Sixteen Segment Display

“The look of classic signage, be it neon tubes, wrought iron, or the use of distinctive typography and negative space, has a particular appeal. Unfortunately, the art form is dwindling due to the flexibility and flash that comes with newer …

Ionization Chamber

“Ionization chamber is a device to measure radioactivity level. When air’s atoms are hit by radioactive particles, an ion-pair is produced. Ions has electric charge, if they are in electric field create by positive and negative electrodes, negative ions …

Understanding and Implementing the HC-12 Wireless Transceiver Module

“The HC-12 is a half-duplex wireless serial communication module with 100 channels in the 433.4-473.0 MHz range that is capable of transmitting up to 1 km. This project will begin by using the HC-12 to create …