Content for Seeeduino XIAO RP2040

Environment Data lora Node

“A lore Node that transmit environment data After receiving the sensecap K1100 kit from seed, I try all of the modules capability. And fortunately I have a Xiao RP2040 and an extra lora e5 module. With these module in mind …

DIY eurorack modular synth Rasberry pi VCO with Seeed XIAO

“This is a memorandum about HAGIWO/ハギヲ using seeed Xiao rp2040 and rasberry PI rp2040 to make your own VCO for the modular combiner. 53rd self-made modular synth.I took a poll on my Youtube channel and the …

Xiao NAH Macropad

“A macropad built around the xiao footprint. Introduction After successfully trying to build my own mechanical keyboard using other people PCB design. I want to try to design my own keyboard but before I go there I want to start …

Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 18 Key Numpad

“A minimalist 18 key numpad using the Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040, a single analogue pin, and room for expansion! Story If you’re anything like me, you have a relatively modern and compact laptop as your main computing device - but …

Cistercian keyboard

“Keypad with cipher numerals. This keyboard is for me more of an art project. And the opportunity to learn how things work. What is the underlying code and history! Arouse people’s curiosity. What are Cistercian numerals? The medieval number …

6-bit Macropad

“A 6-keys DIY Macropad using XIAO RP2040 I always wanted to make a DIY Macropad myself. In this project, we will go through the process of making a 6-keys Macropad using a Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 which is a tiny …