
“The 3 cent Padauk PMS150C is.. Interesting to say the least. First of all there’s a lot this little MCU doesn’t do. It doesn’t have a lot of code space (1K Word), it doesn’t have a …
The PMS150C is an IO-Type, fully static, OTP-based controller; it employs RISC architecture and most the instructions are executed in one cycle except that few instructions are two cycles that handle indirect memory access. 1KW bits OTP program memory and 64 bytes data SRAM are inside. Besides, one hardware 16-bit timer, one hardware 8-bit timer with PWM generation and one general purpose comparator are also provided in the PMS150C.
“The 3 cent Padauk PMS150C is.. Interesting to say the least. First of all there’s a lot this little MCU doesn’t do. It doesn’t have a lot of code space (1K Word), it doesn’t have a …