Content for MSP-EXP430G2


The MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad development kit is an inexpensive and simple development kit for the MSP430G2xx Value Line series of microcontrollers. It is an easy way to start developing on the MSP430 MCUs with on-board emulation for programming and debugging as well as buttons and LEDs for a simple user interface.

Solar Panel Tracking System

“Dual-Axis Panel Tracking System that uses two servo motors and LDRs to simulate the sun’s tracking depending on its position This project consists of a solar panel tracking that basically tracks the position of the Sun, It is a …

Use a TI LaunchPad to Activate a Fan or Just About Anything!

“This LaunchPad-based Crop Duster Buster is sure to keep your pet’s farts away! Or at least you’ll learn something about automating devices to be controlled by clapping. Don’t you hate when you’re sitting with a loved …