Content for MPI.Edu

A Leap into the Continuum

“Garching physicists develop a new method to carry computations in quantum field theory. Computing the dynamics of many interacting quantum particles accurately is a daunting task. There is however a promising calculation method for such systems: tensor networks, which are …

Quantum communication: making two from one

“An electron involved in quantum tunnelling generates two photons much more frequently than theoretically predicted In the future, quantum physics could become the guarantor of secure information technology. To achieve this, individual particles of light – photons – are used for secure …

News  Hearing in 3D

Hearing in 3D

“In order to recognize spatial structures, bat echolocation uses similar cues as our sense of sight The sonar system of bats exploits spatial information in a way similar to our sense of sight, despite the different anatomy of eyes and …

For the Future of Quantum Technology

“BeyondC research project with partners from Austria and Germany starts in March The recently granted collaboration project “Quantum Information Systems Beyond Classical Capabilities (BeyondC)” coordinated by the University of Vienna will exploit the unique features of quantum science to go …

Attosecond Photoelectron Spectroscopy Accelerated

“The laser physicists involved in the MEGAS collaboration have succeeded in reducing the acquisition time for data required for reliable characterization of multidimensional electron motions by a factor of 1000 It may sound paradoxical, but capturing the ultrafast motions of …

Building a bigger brain

“The human brain owes its characteristic wrinkled appearance to its outer layer, the cerebral cortex. During human evolution, the neocortex, the evolutionarily youngest part of the cerebral cortex, expanded dramatically and had to fold into wrinkles to fit inside the …

Flying Optical Cats for Quantum Communication

“Dead and alive at the same time? Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics have implemented Erwin Schrödinger’s paradoxical gedanken experiment employing an entangled atom-light state. In 1935 Erwin Schrödinger formulated a thought experiment designed to capture …

Four new sources of gravitational waves

“LIGO and Virgo Observatories also present their first catalogue Scientists have carried out a closer analysis of previously recorded data from the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors, tracking down four new signals. They all originate from the collison of …

Stretched Quantum Magnetism Uncovered by Quantum Simulation

“By studying ultracold atoms trapped in artificial crystals of light, Guillaume Salomon, a postdoc at the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics and a team of scientists have been able to directly observe a fundamental effect of one-dimensional quantum systems. By detecting …

Artificial intelligence controls quantum computers

“Neural networks enable learning of error correction strategies for computers based on quantum physics Quantum computers could solve complex tasks that are beyond the capabilities of conventional computers. However, the quantum states are extremely sensitive to constant interference from their …