Content for MCP9600


The MCP9600 is a fully integrated thermocouple Electromotive Force (EMF) to degree Celsius converter with integrated Cold-Junction compensation. The MCP9600 supports 8 thermocouple types (K, J, T, N, S, E, B and R). The MCP9600 provides user-programmable registers, adding design flexibility for various temperature sensing applications. The registers allow user-selectable settings, such as low-power modes for battery-powered applications, an adjustable digital filter for fast transient temperatures and four individually programmable temperature alert outputs, which can be used to detect multiple temperature zones.

Azure Powered AI Freezer Monitor

“An anomaly detecting freezer monitor designed to work in ultra low temperature scientific freezers. The Azure Powered AI Freezer Monitor is a maker hardware based IoT monitor that uses machine learning, or ML, to provide early warnings of potential equipment …

EZ Make Oven

“Soldering through hole components onto printed circuit boards (PCBs) is a very useful skill to have and needed for many DIY projects. However, there are some components that do not have through hole versions and are only available as surface …