Content for LBL.Edu

Upgraded Laser Facility Paves the Way for Next-Generation Particle Accelerators

“Advances in physics, medicine, and security enabled by major expansion to one of the world’s most powerful lasers. Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have completed a major expansion of one of the world’s most powerful …

Peering Into Mirror Nuclei, Physicists See Unexpected Pairings

“The atomic nucleus is a busy place. Its constituent protons and neutrons occasionally collide, and briefly fly apart with high momentum before snapping back together like the two ends of a stretched rubber band. Using a new technique, physicists studying …

Print, Recycle, Repeat: Scientists Demonstrate a Biodegradable Printed Circuit

“According to the United Nations, less than a quarter of all U.S. electronic waste gets recycled. In 2021 alone, global e-waste surged at 57.4 million tons, and only 17.4% of that was recycled. Some experts predict that …

Scientists Grow Lead-Free Solar Material With a Built-In Switch

“Breakthrough offers industry sustainable alternative without compromising performance. Solar panels, also known as photovoltaics, rely on semiconductor devices, or solar cells, to convert energy from the sun into electricity. To generate electricity, solar cells need an electric field to separate …

A Faster Way to Study 2D Materials for Next-Generation Quantum and Electronic Devices

“New approach leverages artificial intelligence to augment automated experiments. Two-dimensional materials, which consist of a single layer of atoms, exhibit unusual properties that could be harnessed for a wide range of quantum and microelectronics systems. But what makes them truly …

Designer Materials to Keep Plastic Out of Landfills

“Berkeley Lab technology provides low-carbon manufacturing solution for plastic products. Scientists have designed a new material system to overcome one of the biggest challenges in recycling consumer products: mixed-plastic recycling. Their achievement will help enable a much broader range of …

Berkeley Lab Researchers Record Successful Startup of LUX-ZEPLIN Dark Matter Detector at Sanford Underground Research Facility

“Deep below the Black Hills of South Dakota in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), an innovative and uniquely sensitive dark matter detector – the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment, led by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley Lab) – has passed a check-out …

New Ultrathin Capacitor Could Enable Energy-Efficient Microchips

“Scientists turn century-old material into a thin film for next-gen memory and logic devices. The silicon-based computer chips that power our modern devices require vast amounts of energy to operate. Despite ever-improving computing efficiency, information technology is projected to consume …

Pushing the Boundaries of Moore’s Law: How Can Extreme UV Light Produce Tiny Microchips?

“Advances in microelectronics – also known as microchips or chips – have enabled fast, powerful, compact smartphones and laptops – electronic devices that were once, long ago, the stuff of science fiction. Chips consist of miniaturized components called transistors – tiny silicon switches that …

Using Bacteria to Accelerate CO2 Capture in Oceans

“Berkeley Lab researcher proposes novel scheme for capturing carbon dioxide and combating climate change You may be familiar with direct air capture, or DAC, in which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere in an effort to slow the effects …