Content for Ecology

Solar Could Beat Coal to Become the Cheapest Power on Earth

“Solar power is now cheaper than coal in some parts of the world. In less than a decade, it’s likely to be the lowest-cost option almost everywhere. In 2016, countries from Chile to the United Arab Emirates broke records …

Earth’s day lengthens by two milliseconds a century, astronomers find

“There may never be enough hours in the day to get everything done, but at least the forces of nature are conspiring to help out. Astronomers who compiled nearly 3,000 years of celestial records have found that with every …

We’re set to reach 100% renewable energy — and it’s just the beginning

“Every year people search on Google trillions of times; every minute people upload more than 400 hours of YouTube videos. All of that takes an incredible amount of processing power — which means energy. Our engineers have spent years perfecting Google …

Getting Across the Smart Home Threshold

“Smart home is a term that is likely well known by anyone who follows technology as closely as I do, and even people who don’t. But do people really understand what a smart home is today versus what it …

World’s first large-scale tidal energy farm launches in Scotland

“The launch of the world’s first large-scale tidal energy farm in Scotland has been hailed as a significant moment for the renewable energy sector. A turbine for the MeyGen tidal stream project in the Pentland Firth was unveiled outside …

Solar Panels Gain 30% Additional Power with Maxim’s Cell-String Optimizer

“New cell-string optimizer technology from Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (NASDAQ: MXIM) allows photovoltaic (PV) panels to harvest significantly more energy and simplifies design complexity for solar installation projects. Maxim’s cell-string optimizers are highly integrated DC-DC converters that replace …

What’s wasting power at home? Ask your app!

“If you want to save on your monthly electric bill and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions at the same time, you might buy a new, energy-efficient refrigerator. Or water heater. Or clothes dryer. But if you can only replace one …

24M’s Batteries Could Better Harness Wind and Solar Power

“Lithium-ion batteries power everything from smartphones to electric vehicles. They’re well suited to the job because they are smaller and lighter, charge faster, and last longer than other batteries. But they are also complex and thus costly to make …

IBM Research Scientists Discover New Recycling Process to Convert Old Smartphones and CDs into Non-Toxic, High-Strength Plastics

“Every year, the world generates more than 2.7 million tons of a plastic [1], known as polycarbonates, to create common household items, such as CDs, baby bottles, eyeglass lenses and smartphones. Over time, polycarbonates decompose and leach BPA, a …

This Battery-Free Computer Sucks Power Out Of Thin Air

“Today, the biggest hurdle when it comes to designing new gadgets is battery technology. These big, bulky things restrict the forms our smartphones, computers, and wearables can take, and unfortunately, battery technology is so stagnant that there’s no promise …