Content for EC28J60


The ENC28J60 is a stand-alone Ethernet controller with an industry standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). It is designed to serve as an Ethernet network interface for any controller equipped with SPI. The ENC28J60 meets all of the IEEE 802.3 specifications. It incorporates a number of packet filtering schemes to limit incoming packets. It also provides an internal DMA module for fast data throughput and hardware assisted checksum calculation, which is used in various network protocols. Communication with the host controller is implemented via an interrupt pin and the SPI, with clock rates of up to 20 MHz. Two dedicated pins are used for LED link and network activity indication. A simple block diagram of the ENC28J60 is shown in Figure 1-1. A typical application circuit using the device is shown in Figure 1-2. With the ENC28J60, two pulse transformers and a few passive components are all that are required to connect a microcontroller to an Ethernet network.

A web configurable Xively logger, build on AVR ATmega328

“Xively (formerly Cosm and before that Pachube) is a platform devoted to simplifying the interconnection of devices and data with applications on the Internet of Things. It is an on-line database service allowing developers to connect sensor-derived data (e.g …

AMQUMO: A Xively AMbient QUality MOnitor built on ATmega328

“AMQUMO is an Indoor AMbient QUality MOnitor.”