Content for Chalmers.Edu

A New Spin on Hybrid Graphene Electronics

“A hybrid electronic device consisting of graphene and topological insulators have been demonstrated by researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. The findings in the hybrid devices reveal a unique electronic spin functionality which is not present in the …

Fibre-optic transmission of 4000 km made possible by ultra-low-noise optical amplifiers

“Researchers from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, have demonstrated a 4000 kilometre fibre-optical transmission link using ultra low-noise, phase-sensitive optical amplifiers. This is a reach improvement of almost six times what is possible when …

How smart technology gadgets can avoid speed limits

“Speed limits apply not only to traffic. There are limitations on the control of light as well, in optical switches for internet traffic, for example. Physicists at Chalmers University of Technology now understand why it is not possible to increase …

Multiple lasers could be replaced by a single microcomb

“Every time we send an e-mail, a tweet, or stream a video, we rely on laser light to transfer digital information over a complex network of optical fibers. Dozens of high-performance lasers are needed to fill up the bandwidth and …

Exciting new technology for quantum computing

“With their insensitivity to decoherence what are known as Majorana particles could become stable building blocks of a quantum computer. The problem is that they only occur under very special circumstances. Now researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have succeeded …

Engineering of a Swedish quantum computer set to start

“A SEK 1 billion research initiative is setting Sweden on course to a global top position in quantum technology. The focus is on developing a quantum computer with much greater computing power than the best supercomputers of today. The initiative …

Graphene enables high-speed electronics on flexible materials

“A flexible detector for terahertz frequencies has been developed by Chalmers researchers using graphene transistors on plastic substrates. It is the first of its kind, and can extend the use of terahertz technology to applications that will require flexible electronics …

Graphene and terahertz waves could lead the way to future communication

“By utilizing terahertz waves in electronics, future data traffic can get a big boost forward. So far, the terahertz (THz) frequency has not been optimally applied to data transmission, but by using graphene, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have …

Bendable electronic paper shows full colour scale

“Less than a micrometre thin, flexible and giving all the colours that a regular LED display does, it still needs ten times less energy than a Kindle tablet. Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have developed the basis for a …