Content for Berkeley.Edu

Insect-sized robot navigates mazes with the agility of a cheetah

“Many insects and spiders get their uncanny ability to scurry up walls and walk upside down on ceilings with the help of specialized sticky footpads that allow them to adhere to surfaces in places where no human would dare to …

Graphene ‘camera’ captures real-time electrical activity of beating heart

“Bay Area scientists have captured the real-time electrical activity of a beating heart, using a sheet of graphene to record an optical image — almost like a video camera — of the faint electric fields generated by the rhythmic firing of the …

Is Earth’s core lopsided? Strange goings-on in our planet’s interior.

“For reasons unknown, Earth’s solid-iron inner core is growing faster on one side than the other, and it has been ever since it started to freeze out from molten iron more than half a billion years ago, according to …

Light unbound: Data limits could vanish with new optical antennas

“Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have found a new way to harness properties of light waves that can radically increase the amount of data they carry. They demonstrated the emission of discrete twisting laser beams from antennas made …

High-five or thumbs-up? New device detects which hand gesture you want to make

“Imagine typing on a computer without a keyboard, playing a video game without a controller or driving a car without a wheel. That’s one of the goals of a new device developed by engineers at the University of California …

Upcycling: Turning plastic bags into adhesives

“While many cities and eight states have banned single-use plastics, bags and other polyethylene packaging still clog landfills and pollute rivers and oceans. One major problem with recycling polyethylene, which makes up one-third of all plastic production worldwide, is economic …

To climb like a gecko, robots need toes

“Robots with toes? Experiments suggest that climbing robots could benefit from having flexible, hairy toes, like those of geckos, that can adjust quickly to accommodate shifting weight and slippery surfaces. Biologists from the University of California, Berkeley, and Nanjing University …

Researchers discover ferroelectricity at the atomic scale

“A team of researchers have managed to grow ultra-thin material on silicon that can power small electronic devices As electronic devices become progressively smaller, the technology that powers them needs to get smaller and thinner. One of the key challenges …

Blue diode illustrates limitations, promise of perovskite semiconductors

“University of California, Berkeley, scientists have created a blue light-emitting diode (LED) from a trendy new semiconductor material, halide perovskite, overcoming a major barrier to employing these cheap, easy-to-make materials in electronic devices. In the process, however, the researchers discovered …

Heat energy leaps through empty space, thanks to quantum weirdness

“In a surprising new study, University of California, Berkeley, researchers show that heat energy can travel through a complete vacuum thanks to invisible quantum fluctuations. To conduct the challenging experiment, the team engineered extremely thin silicon nitride membranes, which they …