Content for Aalto.Edu

GreEnergy: setting a new paradigm for solar energy harvesting

“A new project funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Programme aims at developing optical nano-antennas as cost-effective solar energy harvester for a greener future. Most energy sources we use today have low efficiency, rely on non-renewable resources …

Entangling electrons with heat

“Entanglement is key for quantum computing and communications technology; Aalto researchers can now extract entangled electrons using heat A joint group of scientists from Finland, Russia, China and the USA have demonstrated that temperature difference can be used to entangle …

Ultra-thin designer materials unlock quantum phenomena

“New research, published in Nature, has measured highly sought-after Majorana quantum states A team of theoretical and experimental physicists have designed a new ultra-thin material that they have used to create elusive quantum states. Called one-dimensional Majorana zero energy modes …

A new interpretation of quantum mechanics suggests that reality does not depend on the person measuring it

“For 100 years scientists have disagreed on how to interpret quantum mechanics. A recent study by Jussi Lindgren and Jukka Liukkonen supports an interpretation that is close to classical scientific principles. Quantum mechanics arose in the 1920s – and since then …

New detector breakthrough pushes boundaries of quantum computing

“A new paper published in Nature shows potential for graphene bolometers to become a game-changer for quantum technology Physicists at Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland have developed a new detector for measuring energy quanta at unprecedented …

Black silicon photodetector breaks the 100% efficiency limit

“The efficiency was so high that at first the researchers had a hard time believing the result. Now Aalto University spin-off company ElFys Inc. already supplies the record detectors for several industry sectors. Aalto University researchers have developed a black …

Researchers develop new methods for studying materials at the smallest possible scale

“Combining machine learning and atomic force microscopy allows researchers to see the chemical structures of 3D molecules Scientists around the world are interested in developing new materials to help people live more sustainable and healthy lives, but the quest to …

Researchers watch quantum knots untie

“After first reporting the existence of quantum knots, Aalto University & Amherst College researchers now report how the knots behave A quantum gas can be tied into knots using magnetic fields. Our researchers were the first to produce these knots as …

Graphene substrate improves the conductivity of carbon nanotube network

“Scientists at Aalto University, Finland, and the University of Vienna, Austria, have combined graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes into a transparent hybrid material with conductivity higher than either component exhibits separately Transparent conductive films (TCFs) have many applications in touch …

Quantum physicists succeed in controlling energy losses and shifts

“Achievement can be applied to speed up quantum computers and design new quantum technological devices Quantum computers need to preserve quantum information for a long time to be able to crack important problems faster than a normal computer. Energy losses …