Content for 8x2 LCD

Vinduino, a wine grower’s water saving project

“If you want to learn about saving water, talk to a farmer. California farmers, including myself, voluntarily aim to reduce agricultural water consumption by 25%. This reduction (25% of 42 million acre feet/year) is more than the annual urban …

Arduino Project: Ultrasonic Sensor for Blind

“Ultrasonic sensors for Blind are projects that use ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 to detect objects or obstacles ahead. When detect objects or obstacles nearby, the device will emit a buzzer sound and movement vibrator.”

3D Body for Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle

“This small chassis was made to use with the nRover board that I designed, but it’s possible to use with Arduino Uno because both boards have the same size and fixation holes. The main idea was to make a …

LED Test Tool with LCD Display

“Most projects include at least one LED. Before soldering the LED, how can you determine if the color and brightness meets your needs? After that, how do you calculate the correct value resistor? Many years ago, I built a handy …