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Unit Test Tower - Parallel Arduino Testing Supercomputer

Run up to 50 parallel unit tests on 50 Arduino virtual breadboard sandboxes. Test Tower makes test driven development for Arduino possible!

i.MX RT1010 EVK Based Unit Test Tower
The Arduino UNO is programmed and debugged with a Serial Port over USB at 115Kbaud. But what if you want to program and control 50 Arduinos at the same time! This was the challenge I put to the i.MX RT1010.

The i.MX RT1010 EVK is used to host up to 10 Test Shields each with 5 VBBMicro sandbox’s to host up 50 Virtual Arduino UNOs in total. Each Virtual Arduino connects via it’s standard UART at 115200 baud..

Handling the resulting datastream of 50 x 115200 = 5.7Mbit/Sec was the task at hand. The resulting solution is a USB:SPI Router created by merging several libraries and examples provided in MCUXpresso SDK and toolkit.

The i.MX RT1010 EVK features used

High Speed USB
SPI Master
Digital IO
Arduino Shield Breakout”

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