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Do you hate to walk to the kitchen to grap a snack? Or to get a new drink? This can all be fixed with this simple $15 remote controlled butler.

In this Instructable we will be building a remote controlled butler. It can be controlled over WiFi using an Iphone or Android phone. The entire project is based on the ESP8266 nodeMCU board and everything can be build for $15 if you buy from China.
For this project we need the following:
1x ESP8266 board
2x Geared DC motors with wheels
1x L293D or 2x bc547 NPN transistors
1x breadboard + breadboard wires
1x piece of wood
1x trash bin ( or something else which will be the table in step 3)
1x 360 degree rotating wheel
1x battery for the DC motors. I used a 2s Lipo
1x 5V power bank
This project is also useful if you want to build a remote controlled car, tank or rover since the electronics wille be same. Only the base needs to be changed.
So let’s get started!”

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