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Back to Basics Drafting Set

This Thing contains all you’ll need for school. From graphing to drawing geometrical shapes to helping you create that book shelf in shop class, this set has got you covered. Measure everything from distances and radii in centimeters and inches, to angles and even weights! The ruler is a combination scale, commonly used for drafting. It’s got 4 scales, a 1:10 and 1:50 engineering scale, and a 1:100 and 1:500 metric scale. The good thing about these scales is that you can use the 1:10 scale as a standard uscs 6 inch ruler, and the 1:100 as a 15 cm ruler. The pencil topper includes 2 different toppers which you can combine to create a compass for drawing circles. The one I printed out works ok if you can hold everything still while you draw your circle. The other topper just attaches to the first one and spins… because reasons. The pencil case has two 30-60-90 triangles that can be used to draw straight lines and angles. In addition, the triangles serve as templates to measure and draw several metric and uscs radii. The handle is a secondary protractor/ruler and can be combined with the pencil topper to measure or draw specific angles. The handle slides onto the peg on the covers and the covers snap into the base. Thanks for reading and I hope you like it!”

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