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Using 433MHz Remote Controlled Switches on Arduino

I guess everybody knows those remote controlled switches that in their simplest form come in a couple (mostly 3) of switcheable devices to plug into the mains outlet and that will receive a plug of a lamp or something and that can be switched on and off by a small hand held device. Using an Arduino or other micro controller instead of the handheld transmitter to switch those devices on and off is the basis of many DIY ‘home automatisation’ projects. Still, for the novice it can be a bit daunting to get one of those sets and use them in combination with a microcontroller. My goal in this instructable is to help those people on their way. However, I owe a big word of thanks to Jeroen Meijer for developing a great library, adding classes for some of the remotes I had and for helping me understand the concept of ‘trits’”

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