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Applies faster baud rate to real term and launches bus pirate SPI sniffer. The Bus Pirate has at least three other out-of-the-box methods of sniffing SPI data from a Master and Slave communication: The Bus Pirate GUI, Bus Pirate SPI Sniffer Utility, Third party tools such as the Sump Logic Analyzer Client - an example here. I believe the fastest of these may be the sniffer utility. I used BusPirate.SPIsniffer.v0.3 application with a version 3.0 Spark Fun Bus Pirate Clone to sniff the SPI data between a microcontroller and a BK2421 tranceiver slave device from an MJX RC helicopter. This was fine to grab the initialisation sequence but the 115200 baud FTDI USB link to the laptop could not keep up long after that. I was able to interpret the hex code grabbed using my own parser - see my GitHub project at ParseSPI. For higher speed comms, I discovered the solution had been found on this post:Using Bus Pirate with SPI Sniffer. Armed with this, the Bus Pirate SPI API and the Real Term help file, iwas able to develop this small console program in visual basic (VS2010) to automate the process of receiving the sniffed data at 800000 baud.”

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