Content for VGA

Arduino VGA Console With Five Games

“In my previous Instructables, I have reproduced simple versions of some of the most famous classical arcade games, by means of a bare Arduino and few other components. Later on I joined four of them together in a single sketch …

Arduino VGA Game Console

“I have done seven Instructables to reproduce some among the most popular old arcade games by means of a bare Arduino and few basic components. The main feature is the generation of a VGA signal, thanks to the VGAx library …

Retro computing

“Old computers fascinate me. With resources so limited they were able to do so much. They can do so much as a result of huge work and clever tricks from both hardware and software designers. Wanting to learn more about …

FAP80, A retro computer without the retro baggage

“FAP80 is a Z80-based retro computer with a sprinkling of modern twists to make the experience of designing, programming, and debugging this computer as painless and straightforward as possible. A lot of retro computer projects today are rooted on nostalgia …

Arduino VGA Games 4-in-1

“After the publication of the Arduino VGAx library on GitHub done by Sandro Maffiodo aka Smaffer, I have reproduced and published on Instructable some of the most famous classical games. Recently I decided to put four of them together, in …

VGA Blinking Lights

“This project consists of a a device capable of generating a (pseudo) random blinking lights pattern. The objective of this project is to turn old monitors, specially CRTs, into decorative objects. The VGA video generation is performed by the PIC …

VGA Etch-a-Sketch With Arduino Uno

“When I was a child I have spent a lot of time playing with “Etch a Sketch”, a classical game where you can draw sketches on a plastic board turning two wheels. Recently I realized that not only it can …

VGA Bomber With Arduino Uno

“I have done different Arduino games working on VGA monitors, but I haven’t done yet an Instructables of my first one. Now, here it is: the name is “Arduino Bomber” and, as usual, it works by means of a …

VGA Breakout with Arduino Uno

“I have reproduced another classical game of the old school. This is the time of Breakout! The output runs on a VGA monitor, by means of a bare Arduino Uno and few other components. As usual, the goal is to …

Space Invaders FPGA Game

“This two person project was completed through the course of Embedded Systems at the University of Thessaly, Department of Computer Engineering. In the context of this game we implemented the classic space invaders game using a zedboard fpga. The code …