Content for UMD.Edu

Pushing the Frontier of Extreme Light-Matter Interaction Research

“University of Maryland Physics Professor Howard Milchberg and the students and postdoctoral researchers in his lab explore the dramatic results of experiments that push light to extremes in the presence of matter. In Milchberg’s opinion, researching the intense interactions …

Where Wood Gets Weird

“What’s bouncy, bulletproof, cools you in the summer, keeps you toasty warm in winter and might help save our planet? The answer literally grows on (and in) trees: wood—at least in the many unfamiliar guises it takes on …

A Frankenstein of Order and Chaos

“Normally the word “chaos” evokes a lack of order: a hectic day, a teenager’s bedroom, tax season. And the physical understanding of chaos is not far off. It’s something that is extremely difficult to predict, like the weather …

Enhanced Frequency Doubling Adds to Photonics Toolkit

“The digital age has seen electronics, including computer chips, shrink in size at an amazing rate, with ever tinier chips powering devices like smartphones, laptops and even autonomous drones. In the wake of this progress, another miniature technology has been …

Mind and Space Bending Physics on a Convenient Chip

“Thanks to Einstein, we know that our three-dimensional space is warped and curved. And in curved space, normal ideas of geometry and straight lines break down, creating a chance to explore an unfamiliar landscape governed by new rules. But studying …

Heaviest Black Hole Merger is Among Three Recent Gravitational Wave Discoveries

“University of Maryland physicists help identify merging black holes that may redefine size limits for collapsed stars Scientists observed what appears to be a bulked-up black hole tangling with a more ordinary one. The research team, which includes physicists from …

Quantum Computers Do the (Instantaneous) Twist

“Regardless of what makes up the innards of a quantum computer, its speedy calculations all boil down to sequences of simple instructions applied to qubits—the basic units of information inside a quantum computer. Whether that computer is built from …

Scientists Detect Unexpected Widespread Structures Near Earth’s Core

“University of Maryland researchers conduct first simultaneous analysis of hundreds of earthquakes to identify echoes from features deep inside Earth University of Maryland geophysicists analyzed thousands of recordings of seismic waves, sound waves traveling through the Earth, to identify echoes …

New Artificial Intelligence System Automatically Evolves to Evade Internet Censorship

“Internet censorship by authoritarian governments prohibits free and open access to information for millions of people around the world. Attempts to evade such censorship have turned into a continually escalating race to keep up with ever-changing, increasingly sophisticated internet censorship …

Rare “Lazarus Superconductivity” Observed in Promising, Rediscovered Material

“Researchers from the University of Maryland, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (National MagLab) and the University of Oxford have observed a rare phenomenon called re-entrant superconductivity in the material uranium ditelluride …