
“Today, we will use the STM32 Maple Mini to do an AC reading. In our example, well get the RMS value of the power grid. This is very useful for those who want to monitor the electrical network for the …

“Although it is somewhat of a nuisance to buy (because it is not available in many internet stores), I find it necessary to discuss STM32 L432KC. This chip deserves special affection, as it is ULTRA LOW POWER. However, for those …

“A Sega Genesis music player based off of the STM32 BluePill board and real YM2612+SN76489 sound chips. This project is a hardware Video Game Music (VGM) player that uses a genuine YM2612 synthesizer chip + SN76489AN PSG. This project is …

“You and I both love Arduino boards, from the smallest Attiny85, to the biggest MEGA2560. However if you need more speed, more analog inputs, more precision, but still don’t want to switch from Arduino programming, there’s a elegant …

“The goal of this article is to run a C program bare metal on an ARM Cortex M3. We will go through the assembler code generated from a small program written in C and come up with the prerequisites that …

“STM32 Is quite powerful and popular board supported by Arduino IDE. But to use it you need to install the boards for stm32 in Arduino IDE so in this instructables i’ll tell how to install stm32 boards and how …

“As this is a popular subject among those following my posts, I decided to talk about LoRa today. However, Im going to discuss the subject with some new elements: this time without using the ESP32, but the STM32 instead. I …

“Looking for an architecture that can be well-emulated with modern microcontrollers and for which there is enough tools and software there, I came across the PDP11. The first approaches have already been made: https://dave.cheney.net/tag/pdp11 but …

“A Clock Projector can project the time to a ceiling in the night. There are lots of commercial alarm clocks with integrated clock projector on the market but I thought, it would be fun to build one myself. Moreover it …

“Which microcontroller is faster: Arduinos, ESPs, or the STM32? This video examines this question, where I perform a speed test, the SpeedTest, with several devices running the same series of commands. Follow and see the result! Our main goal will …