Content for Seeeduino XIAO

Seeeduino XIAO Expansion Board - Heart Rate

“The Seeeduino XIAO can be a more comfortable device of measuring heart rate. This simple and inexpensive project is based on the Seeeduino XIAO expansion board to report the heart rate. the device used has an I2C two-wire interface and …

Pocket Distance Alarm V2 - Seeeduino XIAO

“According to a press release from the Ministry of Health on Thursday, Singapore has announced stiff fines and jail for those who do not observe social distancing measures put in place to contain the coronavirus outbreak. People who do not …

Runaway Spider

“This spider will keep quiet in the night. But once there is light, the spider will start to vibrate, avoiding the light. Story Spider-Man is my favorite Marvel hero, and for a long time, I fantasized about having a super-powerful …

Build a simple USB HID Macropad using Seeeduino Xiao & CircuitPython

“I recently got into Mechanical Keyboards and thought it would be fun to build my own 8 key mechanical macropad. The process is pretty easy and made even easier with the addition of the Seeduino Xiao which is super cheap …

TinyUSB Stack on Seeeduino XIAO

“Unlike the Arduino Uno and Arduino Nano, the Seeeduino XIAO onboard USB is not supported by the common USB-to-serial chip. These chips are usually FT232, CP2102, CH340, and etc. The main chip ATSAMD21 of Seeeduino XIAO is natively supporting …