Content for SSD1306

SSD1306 OLED Display Driver for BeagleBone

“Today, we can see a lot of products using the OLED display technology such as TV’s, cell phones etc. A very common example I can give you is the smartwatches and fitness bands. One such display is the SSD1306 …

Sense and Display with Android Things and Kotlin

“This project shows how to get started to read I2C temperature sensor and display the reading to OLED display using Android Things and Kotlin. Imagine that you can leverage your existing Android programming skill you acquired for many years, to …

Tetris Clone with OLED SSD1306(I2C) for Arduino Nano / Uno

“This Instructable is about getting Tiny Tetris running on a 128x64 OLED display using an Arduino Nano or Uno.”

Arduino Glass - Open Source Augmented Reality Headset

“Have you ever considered getting an augmented reality headset? Were you also wowed at the possibility of augmented reality and looked at the price tag with a broken heart? Yes, me too! But that didn’t stop me there. I …

Attiny85 Game Kit Assembly Instructions

“I have updated the Attiny85 keychain game making it easier to source and assemble. The new snap case has been updated to allow enough height for the screen header as well as a factory made CR2032 battery holder.”

Mind Reader with Arduino

“This is my Mind Reader for Arduino. The Mind Reader can tell you which letter of alphabet (ABC) or which playing card you have imagined with only few questions you need to answer. It is a very simple project with …

Digital thermometer on OLED display using ESP8266 ESP-12E NodeMCU and DS18B20 temperature sensor

“In this instructable I will go a step further, interfacing a digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and displaying the temperature in degrees and Fahrenheit on a cheap tiny OLED display (in SPI connection mode).”

ATtiny85 Ring Watch

“Base on the previous Instructables - ATtiny Watch Core and more, I have made a real gadget, an ATtiny85 Ring Watch.”