Content for OpAmp


An operational amplifier (often op-amp or opamp) is a DC-coupled high-gain electronic voltage amplifier with a differential input and, usually, a single-ended output. In this configuration, an op-amp produces an output potential (relative to circuit ground) that is typically hundreds of thousands of times larger than the potential difference between its input terminals. Operational amplifiers had their origins in analog computers, where they were used to perform mathematical operations in many linear, non-linear, and frequency-dependent circuits. The popularity of the op-amp as a building block in analog circuits is due to its versatility. By using negative feedback, the characteristics of an op-amp circuit, its gain, input and output impedance, bandwidth etc. are determined by external components and have little dependence on temperature coefficients or engineering tolerance in the op-amp itself.

Building a high-efficiency Class D audio amplifier using MOS

“We will discuss the Class D amplifier and build a hardware prototype of the amplifier and test its performance. Audio technology has undergone remarkable evolution in recent decades, reshaping how we consume digital media. From classic tube amplifiers to modern …

Operational amplifier AC amplifier

“A small adjustable and multipurpose class A amplifier which can be used to pre amplify the signals before giving into power amplifiers. In this tutorial, we are designing an AC amplifier using operational amplifier. The basic amplifying action of the …

FM Transmitter System Board

“In this project, we have designed an FM broadcasting transmitter system with a bandwidth of about 433MHz suitable for radio broadcasting. This is the simplest form of FM transmitter which has the capability of transferring broadcasted music or voice to …

Universal OPAMP Board for SMD MSOP8 Package

“This is easy to build and very useful project for hobbyists and students to learn and create OPAMP-based projects. The project accommodates a single OPAMP in the MSOP8 package. The project provides the user with multiple choices and extensive …

DIY Sensitive Arduino IB Metal Detector with Discrimination

“This time I will show you how to make a sensitive metal detector also capable of discriminating between ferrous and nonferrous materials. The sensitivity is satisfactory, given that it is a relatively simple device. This is a continuation of David …

Project  Kronograf


“A device that theoretically measures the speed of anything in meters per second. My project is to design a device that measures the speed of anything. This device, which will measure in meters / seconds, is generally referred to as a …

OP Amp IC Tester

“There is nothing more satisfying then building a circuit and having it work as you intended and nothing so infuriating at it failing and not knowing why! There’s usually a few main culprits that can cause a circuit to …

A Low-Cost Potentiostat for Sensing Applications

“We report a handheld, portable potentiostat with a user-friendly interface for electrochemical sensing using a wireless power supply. 1. Synopsis The development of reliable and low-cost electrochemical potentiostats is essential in the field of chemical sensors and biosensors. These potentiostats …

Learn 741 op-amp circuits basic with example

“We often see the LM741 circuit in many projects. Sure, You can do them. But… Will it is more fun if you understand how it works? Do not worry at all. I always try to work it easy for you …

0 to 5V output Analog Hall Sensor for Foot Controller

“This project includes an analog Hall Effect sensor and an Op-Amp circuit which can be used as position or angular sensing with the benefits of no contact and wearing, high stability and wide sensing range. Two configurations of the magnet …