Content for Joystick

Boldly Building My Own Droid: A Journey Inspired by Star War

“A DIY Adventure Through Droid Design, 3D Printing, and electrical engineering. As an avid Star Trek fan, I never thought I’d find myself caught up in the world of Star Wars. But, life has a funny way of throwing …

ESP-NOW Remote Control

“Universal remote control for small vehicles or robots, using the ESP-NOW-protocol, which is similar to the low-power 2.4GHz wireless connectivity. Up, down, right, left, button. Small, simple, with control LED. Basic knowledge for Arduino IDE is required …

Build a 5-Axis, Industrial Grade Robotic Arm That Learns

“Build a really neat, highly accurate, meter-tall, robotic arm with industrial/memory capabilities that you can make yourself for cheap! Before we get started, I highly recommend going here to read the article. It’s my original site so the …

DIY Arduino Camera Robot (Motorized Pan Tilt Head)

“Hello and welcome back to my channel! For the past few months I have been building a motorized system to move the camera when I shoot video footage for the videos that I publish on my channel. The idea behind …

IoT AI-driven Smart Grocery Cart w/ Edge Impulse

“Provide a checkout-free shopping experience letting customers create an online shopping list from products in their cart and pay via email. Especially after the recent success of Amazon Go cashierless convenience stores, there is a surge in adaptations of this …

Robotic Arm Ft. Arduino Mega, TheGHIZmo, Aarav G

“This project consists on building and programming a robotic arm able of performing movements manually by joystick control and repeating recorded movements, all controlled by an Arduino Mega. The main reason for using the Arduino Mega is because of its …

Simon Says With Joystick

“An LED Simon Says game with a joystick and buzzer. I thought I would try to make a game with my Arduino. I have programmed other things in the past and thought it time I actually learned to program my …

“Space Mushroom” : Full 6 DOFs Controller for CAD Applications

“Very simple and easy to assemble 3D mouse for CAD softwares. It can input full 6 degrees of freedom (rigid motion) simultaneously. - Very easy to assemble. - Tripod mount (thread hole) is on the bottom side of the triangle shaft. - Two …

JOYCON Button and Analog Stick Board

“Joycon is a free-to-use button board that we can use for making XYZ stuff that requires the use of buttons or an analog joystick. This board was made with the intention of using an ESP32 microcontroller to build a game …

Wireless Joystick Module Experiment With ESP8266 on ESP-Now

“Extending from the idea of my previous post Joystick Module Calibration and Press Detection, this post is an attempt to futher ehnance the code to implement wireless Joystick support over ESP-Now communication protocol, which is built-in to ESP microcontroller …