Content for ESP32-C3


Build Your Own Wi-Fi Signal Strength Meter

“Boost IoT Connectivity with a C3mini-based Signal strength meter! Enhancing IoT Connectivity monitoring by building a Wi-Fi Signal Strength checker with C3mini Introduction: In today’s interconnected world, a strong Wi-Fi signal is the backbone of seamless communication and connectivity …

Pocket Temp Meter

“A small handy pocket TEMP Meter made from ESP32C3 driven MCU paired with an SSD1306 128x32-pixel screen, AHT10 is being used to take TEMP. So here’s something portable and useful: the Pocket TEMP Meter project. As the name suggests …

Wake PC Box - Wake On LAN Packet Transmitting Box

“This is the small control box that can wake up the PC using Wake On LAN. You can just push a button, PCs will wake up from the power off. Every morning I had to press the power button at …

High-resolution Voltage-Current Digital Logger

“This tool provides logging function that gets data on voltage, current and power consumption for 0 to 85V DC. Voltage-Current Logger - High-resolution digital power monitor and logger I wanted a tool to measure the power, voltage, and current values used …

Spark Analyzer

“Spark Analyzer is a compact, sleek, IoT-enabled USB-C Power Delivery device with built-in power analyzer capabilities. Story Introducing Spark Analyzer, an innovative ESP32-powered USB-C Power Delivery (UCPD) compatible device designed to streamline the development and debugging process …

ESP32-C3 Wireless Adventure: A Comprehensive Guide to IoT

“ESP32-C3 is a single-core Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5 (LE) microcontroller SoC, based on the open-source RISC-V architecture. It strikes the right balance of power, I/O capabilities, and security, thus offering the optimal cost-effective solution for connected devices …

IoT weather station with Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3

“This project is an excellent opportunity to learn more about IoT and weather monitoring, and how to use Seeed Studio products to build your IoT projects. Background Weather monitoring has a long and rich history, dating back to ancient civilizations …

Energy Monitoring Module for any Dev Board

“Measure voltage, current, active power, power factor, and electrical energy with any microcontroller through UART. The problem If we knew how much energy we use at each moment, I am convinced that we would use it better, just for the …

IoT weather station with Seeed Studio

“Monitoring the environmental data using Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3, Arduino, and MQTT. In this article, I will describe the creation of an IoT weather station using Seeed Studio devices, which is able to measure and display temperature and humidity levels …

Working with MR24HPC1

“Get started with seeed static human presence sensor Well, this project is a by product. I wanted to recreate one of my projects buddy by replacing AK9753 - Human Presence Sensor with low cost 24GHz mmWave Sensor - Human Static Presence. When …