Content for QuickFeather


QuickFeather is a development board for the QuickLogic EOS S3, a low-power System-on-Chip (SoC) that has both an Arm® Cortex®-M4F MCU and an embedded FPGA to enable the next generation of low-power embedded Machine Learning (ML). The board ties into the Adafruit Feather ecosystem of over 60 pre-existing add-on boards, can be powered from and charge Li-Po batteries, and has an on-board microphone, accelerometer, and pressure sensor.

CliSensio - Climate Sensing and Insect Infestation Control

“Climate Change, a highly debated high school topic, but do we really care about it? We see politicians, scientists, researchers, philanthropists, conservationists and almost everyone blaming each other for every climate catastrophe occurring today. The real question is what climate …

Floating Water Quality Sensor

“The aim of this project is to determine the effect of climate change on river water quality. The turbidity of a river tend to change significantly during a period of heavy rainfall. Climate change causes shifts in the air and …