Content for Kinect


Kinect (codenamed Project Natal during development) is a line of motion sensing input devices produced by Microsoft. Initially, the Kinect was developed as a gaming accessory for Xbox 360 and Xbox One video game consoles and Microsoft Windows PCs. Based around a webcam-style add-on peripheral, it enabled users to control and interact with their console/computer without the need for a game controller, through a natural user interface using gestures and spoken commands. While the gaming line did not gain much traction and eventually discontinued, third-party developers and researches found several after-market uses for Kinect's advanced low-cost sensor features, leading Microsoft to drive the product line towards more application-neutral uses, including integrating the device with Microsoft's cloud computing platform Azure.

How You Can Make a Fully Autonomous Self Driving Vehicle With Ai, Python and a Camera on a Budget

“We have all seen cool videos of expensive cars like those from tesla and google driving by itself over public roads. While they are very impressive they are out of reach for most makers and DIY’ers. That is why …

Microsoft Has Stopped Manufacturing The Kinect

“Manufacturing of the Kinect has shut down. Originally created for the Xbox 360, Microsoft’s watershed depth camera and voice recognition microphone sold ~35 million units since its debut in 2010, but Microsoft will no longer produce it when retailers …

BIGLID - Big LED Interactive Display

“The Big LED Interactive Display is a interactive real time LED Matrix display equipped with a Microsoft Kinect Sensor.”