Content for Game

Electronic Puzzle Cube

“This is the Technological Tesseract—an electronic puzzle box. The goal of this puzzle is to connect three wires to the jacks in the correct configuration to make the LED matrix light up in a fun way. There are four …

Connect Four Game

“Challenge yourself by trying to beat the computer in this rendition of the 1970’s classic game of Connect 4 by Milton Bradley / Hasbro. It was a simple game played by two players. Each player takes turns to put their …

Arduino Connect4 Game- Human vs Microcontroller

“Connect4 game on an 8 x 8 pixel matrix with 5050 type LEDs with a built-in WS2812B chip. Connect Four is a two-player strategy game in which the players take turns dropping colored discs into a vertical grid. The objective …

Binary Code to ASCII Letters Teaching Game

“When I first learned about computers in college (1963) I never quite understood the relationship between binary/octal/hex/ascii/op-codes and other details of computer innards. In the mid 80s I built an IMSAI 8080 and it had a …

Light On Game

“A simple puzzle game built around a JK-LKM1638 display, led and button module. This is my build of a project called Puzzle using 7 keys and 7 LEDs by fellow Hackster Klausj. It is a simple puzzle where the …

Brick a Bottle or Three

“This project is my rebuild of the Brick a Bottle or Three by Palingenesis. It has been redesigned to use an updated microprocessor along with a custom PCB and 3D printed case. Schematic The updated circuit is designed around a …

Galagino - ESP32 Arcade

“Galaga, Pac-Man and Donkey Kong are three of the most iconic arcade machines. Galagino brings them onto the ESP32 in perfect emulation. Recently while on the GitHub website, I came across a miniature playable laser cut arcade emulator called Galagino …

Sir Box-a-Lot: an 8-bit Sokoban clone

“Sir Box-a-Lot is a handheld, hackable 8-bit Sokoban clone implemented from scratch for the retro-modern AVR Dx series microcontroller. The hardware costs around $50 to assemble. The implementation features: - A selection of 300 levels with progressively increasing difficulty, suitable for …

Arcade Stacker Game

“What’s this? I wanted to create a small game that doesn’t require many materials and complicated wiring. So I came up with a game that is fully playable with only 1 button and a “screen”. This is a …

Battery Board for PALPi Game Console

“Made a custom battery board for my DIY RPI retro game console. I recently created the sixth iteration of my PALPi Game Emulation Device Series, and it had a battery problem. I therefore prepared a simple battery board, which is …