Content for Continuity Tester

Continuity Tester

A continuity tester is a simple device consisting of two testing probes and a light (LED) or buzzer indicator. It is used to detect the presence of continuity or a break in between the two ends of a conductor which is connected to its testing probes. For instance, if the two probes of a continuity tester are touched to the two ends of a wire bundle, its indicator may get activated to confirm that there is no interruption in the continuity of the wire and everything’s fine, or, if the indicator shows no action it would mean that there’s a break in the continuity of the wire and needs attention. It may also be used to trace out faults in complicated electronic PCBs, automobile electricals etc.. Since it itself operates at a very low voltage and produces a very high resistance in between its prods, the risk of the sophisticated PCB components getting damaged are eliminated. It is always important to switch OFF the power of the circuit under test, or else the tester may get activated through the power of the circuit and give false alarm.

Continuity Tester

“This article describes a simple continuity tester, based on an ATtiny85 and a piezo buzzer, designed for checking circuit wiring, or tracing out the tracks on a PCB: It has a low threshold resistance of 50Ω to avoid false positives …

DIY Simple Circuit Continuity Tester

“So, you don’t have a multimeter? You can make this continuity tester at home. Circuit continuity tester is a device that indicate current can flow in electronic circuit. This equipment can detect whether there is a break in wire …