Content for WS2812

Arduino Connect4 Game- Human vs Microcontroller

“Connect4 game on an 8 x 8 pixel matrix with 5050 type LEDs with a built-in WS2812B chip. Connect Four is a two-player strategy game in which the players take turns dropping colored discs into a vertical grid. The objective …

A Device That Can be (Almost) Anything

“An IoT device that Retrieves data from public REST APIs, displays it on 6 VFD tubes, and also controls IoT devices with ease. What It Is A device that can be (almost) everything. Clock, calendar, stock ticker or weather station …


“This is an attempt to recreate the Raspberry Pi RP2040 PIO interface in Verilog. PIO stands for Progammable I/O, and it is a peripheral that is part of the RP2040 SoC, which is much more flexible than hardware implementations …

Mini Cyclone Game on WS2812 LED Ring and Arduino Nano

“Simple to build, addictive arcade game, where the player tries to stop an led scrolling around a circle at a specific spot. This game is based on the Cyclone arcade game, where the player tries to stop an led scrolling …

DIY Sensitive STM32 Pulse Indiction Metal Detector (Arduino IDE)

“Sensitive Pulse Induction metal detector which is based on ARM STM32 microcontroller. It can detect metal coih at distance of 30cm, and big metal object at distance of more than 80 cm. Supplies: - STM32F103C8 microcontroller board - WS2812 Addressable LED Strip …

Creating a Stylish Triangular Pixels LED Clock Using WS2812 Leds and Wemos D1 Mini Module

“Clocks are an essential part of our daily routine that help us manage time effectively and stay on track. Clocks can help regulate our sleep patterns and ensure that we meet our deadlines. They not only serve a functional purpose …

Sunrise Alarm Clock

“The wall-mounted light simulates a sunrise 15 minutes before your alarm; so you can wake up to a sunrise any time of day! Story I always say that I’m a morning person in theory. I have had trouble getting …

EKO Flower Pot

“Introducing EKO Flower Pot, the ultimate solution for plant lovers! EKO Flower Pot is a smart device designed to help monitor the health and well-being of plants. It is equipped with sensors that read air and ground temperature, humidity, and …

GREEN LANTERN With Reed Switch

“Hey everyone, what’s up? Now here’s something very cool: a completely handmade green lantern lantern. It makes use of an Attiny85 connected to 20 WS2812 LEDs whose color is changed by a reed switch; when a magnetic field …

An Eye-Catching 3D Printed Hexagonal Cells LED Lamp

“LED lamps have always been popular DIY projects, and many creators are sharing their designs and lighting effects here on instructables or anywhere on the net. However I hope thisLED lamp project will stand out for its use of 3D …