Content for ATtiny85

Attiny 85 Game

“See how I have made my own PCB for the well-known ATtiny85 Arcade game circuit. Here you will have the schematic, parts list, step by step of soldering components, how to burn bootloader and how to upload codes for different …

Project  DigiCombo


“You no longer need to waste your time on simple and repetitive tasks and you can save it for hard tasks that have a lot of value just only prepare the necessary inputs that include the coordinates and the text …

Sandwitch Dot IO Display Board

“A 7-inch display was added to the Sandwich Dot IO project in a revision to make it truly wireless and portable. The fan layer, raspberry pi carrier board, and battery bank layer are the three layers that make up this …

Candy Box Gameboy

“The ATTBOY is a very basic Attiny85-based game console that is housed in a candy box and runs the space invaders game. So here’s something extremely cool and intriguing: a tiny Gameboy that fits inside a Candy Tin box …

Project  HexLight


“Made a Custom HexLight consist of WS2812 2020 package LEDs and Attiny85 all jam packed in a 3D Printed body. HEXLIGHT is a small, hexagon-shaped RGB light that is created using custom PCBs and a 3D-printed body. An Attiny85 MCU …

Using I2C sensors on a linux via a USB and IIO

“A short story of getting a tiny, cheap USB I²C adapter for a home server, learning about the Industrial I/O linux subsystem, and connecting it to collectd. A few months ago I wrote about using a Raspberry Pi with …

A Circular Binary Clock

“In a previous instructable, I have presented a concept for making a “linear” binary clock from a standard WS2812 LED strip and an ATtiny microprocessor. The design of that clock was not that great… …which is why I made a …

Mini DIY H-Bridge made from Fets

“Made a simple H Bridge setup by using SMD Mosfets, Arduino is used as control unit. By using this small 20mm x 20mm board, we can power small DC motors that operate at a lower voltage, like below 5V, from …

Pieca: A Raspberry Pi Camera System for Leica M Mount Lenses

“Taking pictures and geeking out over cameras was one of my first hobbies starting with an old Olympus point and shoot, I then moved up to a DSLR upgrading as new and exciting technology became accessible to my summer job …

Is it really a thing? Attiny Machine Learning

“David raises a question worth investigating: RAM constraints of the Attiny chip. RAM is indeed the most limiting factor on many boards as it dictates how much data you can hold in memory at any given time. Until recently, most …